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music & sound
Music and sound therapy has been used from the times of the Ancient Greeks right up to modernity. Recent scientific study shows us how 'music as a medicine' can induce profound states of relaxation, sleep and even healing, by positively affecting brainwave patterns or restoring the optimal vibratory frequencies of our bodies. We believe the fullest potential of therapeutic music is released when you have the power to calibrate it yourself - we call this the power of you.
All the music therapy categories you might want to experience are at your fingertips.
visual meditation
Self-guided motion imagery is an undemanding meditation technique that is simple and easy to try. It can quickly help you manage anxiety and reduce tension. Coupled with our therapeutic music and sound therapies, it can offer a joyful and immersive way to calm your mind and transport yourself to a place of relaxation, whilst effortlessly refreshing your ability to think more clearly.

The combination of audio and visual immersion lets you tap in to the innate power of your mind and harness your inner resources. Change comes when you release yourself from negative externalities and allow yourself to enjoy the experience. Play with the sights and sounds, explore and calibrate. The process becomes truly effortless and even indulgent.
With as little as 10 minutes daily practice daily you can unlock a world of emotional, mental and even physical healing.
improved sleep, reduced stress, enhanced memory, clearer communication, deeper focus,
emotional release, less fatigue, and for some even physical healing.

Take a moment to read our quick guide
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