A directory of information and research related to chakra balancing and general therapeutic music wellness.
(Please note, we are not affiliated with any third party services. These links are for information and discovery only. Contact us if you would like to suggest an entry for this directory, or if you have spotted any errors.)
4 Benefits of Music in the Workplace
Our vision is to help the people who struggle most to come closer to achieving their potential through involvement in the arts. We want all vulnerable children in schools to have access to support as necessary.
Music Unity For Mental Health
Music Unity for Mental Health is a not-for-profit organization based in Chelmsford, Essex, UK, that uses the power of music to help people with their mental health and wellbeing.
Solfeggio Frequencies: A Complete Guide to the Ancient Scale
The Solfeggio Frequencies are said to make up an ancient musical scale, once lost but now revived and revered by many.
Those new to the concept can expect to find online a minefield of information that is difficult to decipher: awash with mystical stories, anecdotal musings and wild claims.
Music in the workplace
Can music in the workplace help productivity?
Music for Dementia
Music can make a difference to people living with dementia and their families.
Music Therapy for Autism: How Effective Is It?
Music therapy is a complementary treatment option that can work in conjunction with more traditional therapies to treat autistic individuals.
This treatment can help a child with autism improve connections in their brain using a variety of techniques.
Music Therapy for Depression
Music Therapy for Depression Enhanced With Listening Homework and Slow Paced Breathing: A Randomised Controlled Trial
The power of music for well-being
Scientific studies have confirmed the significant positive impact of music on mood, pain, and depressive states.
Seven ways music can enhance employee wellbeing
Music can help employee wellbeing by helping people deal better with tricky situations, depression or anxiety.
Chakra Balance (information)

I Was A Skeptic of Chakra Balancing…And Then I Tried It
The experience helped me make peace with things in ways that I can't explain.
Chakra Balance (information)

I Had My Chakras Balanced—Here's Exactly What Happened
When it comes to most wellness treatments and trends, I maintain a healthy balance of both skepticism and curiosity. In other words, I’ll try that superfood smoothie or meditation regimen—but I don't necessarily think any of it will become a regular habit. Still, my mind is always open. I like trying and learning about new things. When it comes to getting my chakras balanced, I figure: Why not?
Chakra balance (information)
Align Your Chakras With These 7 Chakra Yoga Poses
Can you tell when your chakras are misaligned? If you feel disconnected to yourself or the world, unhappy, or feel like things are “all over the place,” chances are your energy and chakras are misaligned.
Chakra Balance (frequencies)

Solfeggio Frequencies – Science And Benefits
In recent years, a sound phenomenon called solfeggio frequencies has become very popular. Solfeggio frequencies are sound tones that can improve overall health and well-being. These frequencies date back to ancient times and said to originate from the Solfeggio scale, invented by Guido d’Arezzo in the 8th century. The tones were widely used by the Gregorian monks in their chants because of the rhytmic pulse that had healing quantities.
Chakra Balance (stones)

Chakra stones and crystals
Chakra healing stones, also called chakra crystals, are stones that connect to the primary seven chakras in the human body. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for “wheel,” outlining each chakra as a spinning wheel of energy that moves in sync with each other.
Chakra Balance (mudras)

7 Mudras To Unlock Your 7 Chakras
Mudra is an ancient Sanskrit term meaning "gesture." We use mudras in yoga to cultivate a greater sense of awareness to certain energetic fields within the subtle body.
Wishing Well
Live interactive Music for Wellbeing in healthcare settings
Digital music interventions for stress with bio-sensing: a survey
We present a survey of digital music systems that utilize biosensing for the purpose of reducing stress and anxiety with therapeutic use of music. The survey analyzes biosensing instruments for brain activity, cardiovascular, electrodermal, and respiratory measurements for efficacy in reduction in stress and anxiety.
Music Wellness Program
Merging Self-Responsible Strategies
Study reveals relaxing music helps you sleep
f you have trouble turning off at night, could switching on a little bit of music help you get some quality shut-eye?.
Nordoff and Robbins research
Breaking through with the power of music therapy
Music as Medicine
Music psychologists have proven time and time again, that music can have an effect on our health. So with that in mind, wouldn’t it be great if we could prescribe music to help with certain mood states?
The Daydreamer's Guide to the Workplace
Mishi blog. There is a silent force that exists in our fast-pace lives, that can fuel innovation, creativity, inspiration and productivity — the art of daydreaming.
Music Therapy for Autism: How Effective Is It?
Music therapy is a complementary treatment option that can work in conjunction with more traditional therapies to treat autistic individuals.
This treatment can help a child with autism improve connections in their brain using a variety of techniques. Dancing, singing, and playing instruments can all improve motor functions and emotional regulation. Listening to certain types of music and interacting in music therapy groups can improve communication and social skills.
Music physhology
This page hosts a collection of links to organisations that are involved in the use of music to enhance wellbeing.
Chakra Balance (information)

Benefits of Chakra Balancing
Why is it important to balance our chakras? As they are the energy points connecting our physical and energetic bodies, they take in life force energy and distribute it to our various energetic pathways to maintain optimal health.
Chakra Balance (information)

Chakra Practice is your essential guide.
Chakra Practice is your essential guide to chakras and chakra healing techniques including meditation, crystals, aromatherapy, affirmations, candles, journaling, yoga, mudras and more.
Chakra Balance (frequencies)

Power of Solfeggio Frequencies in Healing Chakras
The meditation and yoga teachers know “Chakras” and “Solfeggio Frequencies.” But for an ordinary man, these terms may be entirely new. The healing practitioners have named the seven primary energy fields of the body as Chakras.
Chakra Balance (frequencies)

Think You’ve Heard It All? New Research Into ‘The Science Of Sound’ Proves Otherwise
Sound has the power to move us. Whether it be a single listener or hundreds all at once, studies have shown that sound can stir human emotions and elicit specific reactions. Composers, engineers and sound designers have been discovering and implementing core principles of sound for years, knowing their effect on the mind, body, soul, and human behavior.
Chakra Balance (stones)

Chakra stones and how to use them
If you’ve been looking for ways to balance or open your chakras, you’ve likely come across chakra stones or crystals. Perhaps you already know that crystals have healing powers. However, how exactly do stones help balance and align our energy centers, and how do we use them?
Chakra Balance (mudras)

The Best Mudras for Root Chakra Awakening and Alignment
We are constantly seeking new ways to bring harmony into our lives and chakra healing is a key part of this.
In this article we look at how you can use mudras (hand gestures) to awaken and heal your chakras and which mudras will balance the Root Chakra specifically.